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Many managers are reluctant to copy the resident’s identification due to a fear that this will trigger a Fair Housing violation. By not having a copy of the identification, the manager is at a distinct disadvantage when this identification is needed later in the tenancy or for collection purposes. Should the identification be copied? Is it legal? Let’s look at the risks and benefits of copying the ID and get some advice from our nation’s Fair Housing Experts.

The Application Process

Most managers have been advised that copying an applicant’s identification and keeping it with the file can open you up to a Fair Housing complaint. The theory behind this is the fact that you can gather up numerous applications, sit down and review them, look at the photos of the applicant and decide to discriminate against the applicant based on race, religion, color, nationality or anything else you may be able to determine by viewing the image of the applicant. Possibly, the applications are gathered and sent to a third party in your company who makes the ultimate decision as to accepting or rejecting the applicant. This person can easily sort through the applications and make decision based on what they see on the applications. In the event of a Fair Housing complaint, the investigator may and probably will want to see all your applicants’ files, and in the event there appears to be a pattern of discrimination against someone based upon a protected class that can be determined by the ID copies, you will have a lot of explaining to do. Is it illegal to make copies of the ID at the time of application? Nadeen Green, a nationally respected Fair Housing expert and Senior Counsel with For Rent Media Solutions says this:"If you feel a need to have a copy of the applicant’s photo prior to them being approved, (1) know the risk, (2) be consistent within the policy, and (3) be sure you can absolutely justify the decision making procedures and process as to why one person got an apartment and another did not. Otherwise there could easily be the illusion that decisions were based on factors about the people, with those factors being identified through the photos." Let’s look at what she is saying.

  1. Know the risk. The risk is that you will be accused of discrimination, as you can often easily identify a person of a protected class by the photo on the ID. Will not having a copy of the photo ID keep you safe? Of course not, but having a copy certainly elevates this risk.


  1. Consistency in your policy. If you are taking a copy of photo ID for the purposes of identification of the applicant, you must do this with all your applicants. Never pick and choose or make exceptions unless these exceptions are not based upon any discriminatory purpose. If you have a policy to copy photo ID, you will need to have a written policy for when a person does not have a photo ID. Note the emphasis on “written” when it comes to all your policies.


  1. Justifying your application approval/rejection decision. All managers need to have a written Resident Selection Criteria and/or other written policy which must be followed for the application acceptance or rejection. Careful file notes should be kept with the full reasons for which a resident was denied.

Copying the ID at Lease Signing

While some managers may be hesitant to copy ID during the application process, it is crucial that ID is copied at the lease signing. This gives the manager another chance to look at the ID, compare it with the information provided, and have a firm way to identify the resident at a future date. A copied ID often is useful in a resident lock-out, pursuing a bad check, and dealing with identity theft or in an unauthorized resident matter. Both Doug Chasick of Call Source and Fair Housing Trainer Nan Cavarretta agree that copying ID at lease signing is both legal and recommended, but feel that copying during the application process is risky.

Your Decision?

When dealing with any potential fair housing issue, caution is key. If you have a good Resident Selection Criteria and detailed policy and procedures AND you follow them, documenting everything along the way, you will probably be safe copying the ID at application time. Short of that, we recommend you hold out until the lease signing. Finally, when it comes to copying the ID, no matter when you do it, as Doug Chasick of Call Source will tell you, "most copy machines at leasing offices don’t make good copies of photographs anyway!"

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